More movie reviews

I have more reviews of the Oscar winners! Go here for 1981-present (although, we have yet to see this year’s winner, The Hurt Locker). Of the 82 award-winning movies, we have seen and rated 57!!! More than halfway to our goal! We will probably be slowing down as summer comes, but I think we will…


Hoppy Easter

My rents (Short on Coffee and Big on Lotto) have come and gone. It was a truly gratifying visit. My family has had a tumultuous last 2 years, so visits like this are priceless. The weather in the Northeast has just been spectacular. I have a feeling it’s not going to last, but you just…


Spring sweetness

One of the things NH is known for is its maple syrup. This weekend, more than 65 sugar houses across the state had open houses as they are in the middle of syrup production season. The season lasts about 4-6 weeks when the nights are still below freezing, but the days are above freezing. Even…



NHBound had her shower Friday night! J & I cannot wait for this wedding in June between NHBound and Mouth … we’ve been waiting for 7+ years! This is her third shower (one in Phoenix, one in Denver and one in NH), so she is becoming quite an expert with the bow hat. Right after…


Just a tease …

Well, it looks like our days of illegal cable are coming to an end. Lately, channels have just been disappearing and yesterday, J noticed ESPN was gone. ESPN is pretty much the only reason we entertained the thought of cable. I don’t know if our issues have something to do with the digital converter box,…


March Madness

And I’m not talking about basketball … We bid Alaska3 goodbye as she wrapped up her Spring Break with the trip to Burlington, 3 snowboarding adventures, St. Patty’s feasting and overall cousin-to-cousin bonding. We absolutely loved hosting her and we hope our future is full of hosting college students, whether it be exchange students or…


Riding …

So I took a snowboarding lesson today. And I learned a few things. 1) I suck. 2) The chairlifts are a lot more daunting when you are 31 years old and there’s a 400 lb snowboard hanging off one foot. 3) I forgot to take ANY pictures, so I have no proof. You’ll have to…


The Ides of March

It’s Spring Break! For some people … like my cousin, who I haven’t seen in, oh, about 3 years. So Alaska3 is visiting this week (she is a senior at a college in Connecticut) we are determined to show her the best of New England. First up, we hit the Burlington, Vt., area. Ben &…


Baking up a storm

I volunteered to make a variety of desserts for a fundraiser my woman’s club is having tonight, so I’ve been knee deep in chocolate (just about my favorite thing) all week. I was happy with the finished products–snowballs (sugar balls with chocolate inside), chocolate crinkle cookies and black bottom cupcakes. I was even prouder when…


More concerts …

I think I am the official “concert partner” for a lot of people. So it’s only natural that I joined my sister QuickQuestion for a concert this weekend. On Saturday night, we went to see Celtic Women. I really didn’t know much about them, but I’m glad QuickQuestion roped me in. They were a pretty…


Friday Randomness

I don’t like writing random posts, but today it’s necessary. I am extremely displeased with our weather up here. Storm after storm is hitting NJ and PA and missing us. The latest storm brought my parents 2 feet of snow, and us, just hurricane-force winds and rain. BOOORRRIIING. On the flip side, NH is in…
