Cras vulputate – arcu sit amet cursus malesuada

Praesent auctor nisi semper, rutrum nibh id, rutrum nunc. Donec semper, mi lobortis posuere malesuada, purus massa bibendum dui, sit amet porttitor ligula nulla sit amet mi. Integer finibus pulvinar porttitor. Sed vel erat dolor. Integer quis porta tellus, a bibendum nulla. Sed volutpat dolor mauris, ut scelerisque justo tincidunt non. Morbi ut faucibus lectus, at rutrum lectus.


Currently: December

Happy New Year! Forgive me for being 1 day late with this …  Currently living/working in: Still property caretaking of Fenton Ranch in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico … and now I have my husband here full time too!!! Current mood: Unimaginable joy for being reunited permanently with Justin!!! Currently excited about: 2017! We can all…


Christmas Traditions

I love Christmas traditions and I love how every family has different ones. Growing up, there are a few key traditions I cherished the most: opening our very awesome Advent calendar everyday, sleeping by the lighted Christmas tree at least one night in December, occasionally going to see the tree in NYC (moreso when I…


Opt Outside

Thanksgiving is upon us and while the focus is rightfully on quality time with families and friends, you may have noticed another initiative during the past few years: Opt Outside. Green is the new black.  The concept was launched by REI in 2015 when the major outdoor retailer announced they would close all 143 shop…


Currently: November

Currently living/working in: Property caretaking of Fenton Ranch in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico through the winter, although J is still tending to his health over the border in Colorado for at least a little while longer.  Current mood: Still grateful for SO many things, but dang, my emotions have been playing a ping pong match…


The Former PK

I’ve been reading a few blog posts about people reflecting about their former selves and how we change (or don’t change). While there is no monumental birthday to prompt this, I thought I would reflect on myself! Let’s go back to age 24 (I am now 38). I always say age 24 was pretty awesome.…


10 Years

For someone who is a writer, I can’t seem to find the words to describe our love, a love that officially turns 10 years old today. To put it simply, this I can say. We are the definition of soulmates, and we bring out the best version of each other. Happy 10th wedding anniversary to…


Currently: October

Disclaimer: This post will be a little vague, but someday, I will fill in all the blanks. The ambiguous version is that these past few months, J has had a pretty serious medical issue related to his lifelong Crohn’s disease (yes, even when he was climbing mountains). Part of resolving the issue happened recently. Together…


Class of 1996

Last Saturday was my 20th high school reunion. 20 years! I graduated high school 20 years ago. Inconceivable. But I digress. I didn’t love high school. Our nephew just started high school and I worry for him. If I had to repeat high school–especially in this day and age–I would have pigeon-sized butterflies swimming in…
