Southwest Tour Recap

We’ve done 6 presentations–2 in New Mexico and 4 in Arizona–thus completing the Southwest leg of our road trip. All the events were at smaller stores, but it’s always nice to ease in with a more manageable crowd. Incredibly enthusiastic listeners nonetheless, and it is awesome to be standing up in front of people again…


Currently: April

Currently living/working in: We just wrapped up our 5-week spring teaching session at Fenton! It went so, so fast, but was so, so busy and tiring. We had kindergartners, 1st graders and 3rd graders this go around. Nonstop from Monday late morning until Friday at 1pm. Chock full of: campfires, tree identification, Leave No Trace,…


Cars Vans Cars Vans.

It’s been a whirlwind of vehicles for us this month. In case you didn’t hear about some of the excitement—and also because my head spins sometimes—I’m here to do a recap. We sold our beloved “Wanderer” 1995 Chevy Roadtrek. We only owned it for 8 months and put 10,000 miles on it, but we knew…


Currently: March

Currently living/working in: They’re back … Our quiet winter retreat at Fenton Ranch has been interrupted by high-decibel shouting, courtesy of 20 kids a day! The truth is, we don’t mind, in fact, we absolutely love it!!!  We are happy to add a dose of environmental education in today’s nature-deficient children, no matter how deafening and…


Currently: February

Currently living/working in: Still property caretaking Fenton Ranch in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico … the environmental education program starts up here at the end of March. Current mood: Enjoying one more month of peace and quiet before our life gets crazy and busy teaching kids nonstop again!  Currently excited about: Announcing our grand summer plans!…


Visitors in New Mexico

Besides Justin’s mom, who visited in December, we’ve had 3 other brave souls venture into the boonies this past week to spend time with us. First were our kindred spirits: Paul and Kristen. We call them our kindred spirits for many reasons, but mainly because they are just as keen about sleeping in the dirt…
