Denali Bid 2016

You might have heard the big news. President Obama changed the name of North America’s highest peak from “Mount McKinley” back to “Denali.” You also might have heard that Denali shrunk from 20,320 feet to 20,310 feet.  Denali sure is making the news a lot lately, huh? We are going to add to it.  J…


Currently: August

Currently living/working in: Maine. And not just Maine, but the North Maine woods off the grid, running a small lodge.  view of Lake House from kayak Current mood: dreamy …  thoughts of future adventures are burning in my imagination Currently thankful for: a job in order to plan for our next adventure! Currently proud of: 2 things …


Scenes From Chesuncook

It’s been 1 week since we’ve been up here and we are getting more and more acquainted. Rainy days have outnumbered sunny days, so we’ve been doing more indoor than outdoor activities, like experimenting with baking bread (want to get it right before guests get here), making granola, and reading (J finished TWO books already!).…


Our New Home in Maine

“The first time that you begin moving in an unconventional direction is the hardest beginning,” according to modern-day adventurer Alastair Humphreys. “After that, you can’t imagine moving in any other way.” Since J & I returned from New Zealand, we had a dilemma and were at another crossroads. We have challenged ourselves to live differently…


Currently: July

Currently just departed from: New Jersey. We were in NJ from July 1-17, with a few brief side trips, like for the high points and HCA reunion. Once again, it was great to visit with so many friends and family, celebrate birthdays, see our niece’s first play and just enjoy everyone’s company.  Current plan: this deserves…


Made in the USA

The U.S. manufacturing sector may appear to be shrinking, but it’s making a comeback at the same time. American production remains as hip as recycling and microbrews, particularly in the outdoor industry. We are proud that a few of our preferred gear companies produce homegrown gear. We visited our first stateside factory in April 2013, when…



We completed the sale of our house in Virginia! Our friend Van was so nice and gave us a bottle of champagne to celebrate … doesn’t matter that he found the champagne at the dump (which is why we didn’t drink it and just sprayed it around). When we sat down with the city officials…


Currently: June

Currently spending time with/where: We are down to the wire with our time in Danville. We close on the house today in less than 3 hours!!! Current plan: Wouldn’t you like to know??? Better yet, wouldn’t we like to know? Current mood: Bittersweet about saying goodbye to our house and our friends in Danville one more time.…


Virginia Beach

Not many extended families can really say they all get along, but J’s family can. As such, they have maintained a great tradition of family reunions. A first family reunion took place in 2012 in Virginia Beach, where his grandmother and some other family live. With 6 grandkids, plus 6 significant others, and now 5…


Summer Suggestions

I am behind on blogging. I mean, I am blogging here for Big Agnes and Gregory, but I am neglecting my own blog. My excuse is just being consumed by a major case of purging, going through our house and possessions with a fine-toothed comb. Also, we are trying to figure out our next move…
