For my 100th post, I give you this …
I know I give my husband kudos for his job publicly often, but it is with good reason, so bear with me one more time. I have to give a little background before getting into my little story, so here goes. J is the recreation director for a small town. He is his own boss,…
DetailsSILmeow called us last week and said she would be in Boston on business Friday. We actually had nothing going on (wow.), so she extended her stay through Sunday! We met up with her in Salem, Mass., intending to tour the witching town. But, because our lazy butts couldn’t get out of bed early enough…
DetailsSince I’m surrounded by cardiologists this week, I decided to get a blood workup health assessment. J and I were just talking about how we probably should get our cholesterol tested since we don’t watch what we eat in terms of low-fat products (mayo, butter). Good news everyone. I passed with flying colors. My cholesterol,…
DetailsThis post is to pat myself on my own back. I am covering the annual meeting for the American Heart Association this week. You may have seen some news coverage on the research presented here in the past few days because it is one of the biggest conferences around. Anyways, it was, indeed, my very…
DetailsOne of my many quirks is that I secretly love certain commercials. I mean, there are times when we’re watching TV and will mute through all the commercials, but sometimes I can be mesmerized by a silly commercial! Catchy jingles, funny story lines, I eat it up. For example, I don’t remember what phone company…
DetailsWhat will you be doing at 10:30pm tonight? Probably getting ready for bed, or in bed sleeping already … Not us. Because the stupid people who make our soccer schedule have us playing a 52-minute game at 10:30pm!!! WTF? Crossing fingers that our whole team shows up because that would be some fine dedication. Not…
DetailsRaise your hand if you know who this is! Friday night (Halloween), we were eating at Limoncello in the North End (Boston) with MamaFashion, who was there on business. In walks Frankie Avalon to sit at the table next to us! Even though I knew of the name Frankie Avalon, I couldn’t really tell you…
DetailsJust wanted to share some pictures from J’s Haunted House that his Rec Dept. hosted for the town last Sunday. This is one of his BIG events. When I say big, I mean planning starts in July. This year had an alien theme. It was a success and couldn’t be complete without …A homemade spaceship…
DetailsThe saying is true. Time flies when you’re having fun! So two years ago, we had not just one wedding, but two celebrations! The first and bigger one was in Jersey (Oct. 28) and included friends from so many walks of life. There was a little rain and chill, but lots of love in the…
DetailsHallmark4Ever’s baby finally decided to make HIS appearance. That’s right, she had a boy (Shadow, you were dead on with your prediction). Robert ThomasOct. 24 at 6:49pm (only 6 days past his due date!)8 lbs 4 oz21.5 inches Can’t wait to meet him! So I realized, between J and I, we’ve had 9 friends have…
Details… your friends and family members start calling you for medical advice. … someone gets a really confused look on their face when you tell them what you do for a living. Then politely walks away. Just wanted to check in and say things are going well. I feel very at home with my fellow…
DetailsJ and I went to a Halloween Ball this weekend at our dance studio (yes, we are still taking some dance lessons). The theme was “goth.” Can you tell? Our dance instructors told us we had way too much fun dressing up. Okay, I’m off to the ‘villes for work!
DetailsI have some crazy owners. One came home, the other left. I don’t know what to make of it. They’re always in and out! Well, out more than they’re in, I suppose. All I know is my food and water bowl better be filled and my poop scooped. That’s all I ask. My life is…
DetailsThe next few weeks will be dotted with nothing but business trips for both J and I. Tomorrow I head to the great city of Boston (that was meant to have some sarcasm) to cover a conference on pediatrics. I’m not happy that my trip to Beantown once again coincides with the baseball craziness, as…
DetailsOooh, that rhymed. Well anyways, J’s childhood friend, theBuddha, had a baby yesterday. On J’s bday (remember?). We’re still in shock by this, but, his friend and girlfriend decided to carry on J’s name since the little guy was born on the 6th. So I present to you Cody Justin, all 8 lbs, 9 oz…
Details***total cheese warning. Stop reading if you don’t do mushy.***Today is a big day. Today is J’s 32nd anniversary of his birthday. I can never really match his birthday planning awesomeness (e.g. my surprise 30th bday party), but I did try this weekend and will continue today. Everything tonight will be topped off with a…
DetailsWe became leaf peepers this weekend, the term New Englanders use for those who swarm to the Northeast during the fall. We hiked Mt. Tecumseh in Waterville Valley, the lowest of the 4,000-footers in the state. There are 48 on the official list to enter the higherpointer club in NH; this made 8 for us.…
DetailsMy favorite question of last night’s debate was when the moderator asked (paraphrased), “So, both of you are just a heartbeat away from the presidency. If that were to happen, how would your policies/ideas change?” Oh, and one more thing. I love how they assume “we” do all our worrying about health care and money…
DetailsCareerBuilder.com released its list of the most unusual jobs in 2008. Here are some that made me go hmmm. Cat nannyDonkey trainerKitty litter box decoratorNuclear electrician on a submarineParachute testerRomance specialistScratcher (scratched backs for patients)X-ray technician for zoo animalsYawn counter at a sleep clinic