Superbowl Sunday!

Happy Superbowl! We’re just sitting here watching the game and commercials (disappointing so far, no?) as well as the Black Eyed Peas’ half-time show (Yippeeeee!) on our sweet 13-inch TV. Our 27-incher (which we understand isn’t even that big) finally kicked the bucket for good and we are not in a position to be buying…


Week 34 of Unemployment

Week 34 was really depressing and another roller coaster, but, by now, I’ve had such a fun weekend full of ballroom dancing, swimming and dinner with friends (followed by live pond hockey and a spaghetti benefit dinner for a friend today) that I have pretty much forgotten about it. Still, I owe my readers my…



Or as they call it in NH, Civil Rights Day. J had off because it is a state holiday, and we wanted to do something fun. Lucky for him, I have my sweet magazine gig and scored another B&B assignment. This B&B was definitely more our style. Don’t get me wrong, we like all B&Bs,…


Part VI – CO-KS

We have started our trip back east. It’s a little earlier than we originally planned. We were going to do a ski-to-hut trip in the Colorado mountains with SILAdventure, DocDoc and their other friends. It has been planned for months. We would ski 5.8 miles uphill to a hut for New Year’s Eve and New…


A Colorado Christmas

Before I get into the Christmas festivities, I have a BIG announcement to make. SILMeow and Napolean Dynamite FINALLY got engaged!!!!!!They have been dating for something like 15 years (okay, not really, but play along with me here). We all thought they were a good match, and they knew it too, but they chose to…


Part V – CO

J & I arrived to “paradise” on Thursday. Paradise is actually a cabin tucked in the mountains owned by SILAdventure’s girlfriend, DocDoc. The cabin is my dream house, seriously. We will be spending the next 5 days here with family, but first, we had the cabin all to ourselves!We wined and dined on fondue and…
