Send me a text!

It was inevitable. J & I caved and upgraded our cell phone plans to include texting. It’s just that it seems most of our friends have forgotten how to pick up the phone. As the saying goes, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Now I won’t get pissed when people send me texts because…


Not going to Florida

Remember my post at the beginning of August about the silly Vera Bradley contest? Yeah, I didn’t win. BUT, I ended up with 2,383 votes! So thanks to everyone who voted once or It was fun to “compete.” I was always around the 16th-19th place. So I ended up #16 out of 240-something entries.…


Welcome fall

J & I spent Saturday exploring Mt. Greylock State Reservation in Mass, which happens to be the location of the highest point in Massachusetts. You can drive up to the top got $2, or you can be cool like us and hike (and save $2). Bagged and tagged that peak. I was pleasantly surprised with…


On school bus stops

For your viewing pleasure, I’ve updated this post with different pictures … I ran by many schoolchildren waiting for the bus this morning and it brought back painful memories. You see, I went to Catholic school through 8th grade. And even though my bus stop was 5 houses down from mine, my mom INSISTED she…


Girl time

J may not have had a good weekend, but I sure did! Shadow, my friend from college, lives in a beautiful area of NY. Lots of opportunities for outdoor recreation. Too bad she and the outdoors are barely acquaintances. We of course had our share of girl talk and girl time and laughs (she tells…


Thumbs, gums

J’s thumbs have been replaced. Except they put his left thumb on the right. Anyways, he is in pain and drugged up. I’m such a wonderful wife that I am leaving this weekend to visit with Shadow in NY. Can someone else check on him? Thanks!!! I gave McKinley explicit instructions, but he just looked…


Baxter State Park

J & I returned from our trip to Baxter State Park in Maine and I feel like this could spread across multiple posts with all we did!For the ADHD type, here’s the short version of the trip—Moose sightings=1Miles hiked=20+Nights camped=3Days without shower=4Number of outhouse visits=14Mysterious bites on body=17Hail in the face while on top of…


What’s that foul stench?

We generally smell a skunk here and there during the summer, but this week has been particularly bad. It was actually waking me from my deep slumber. So yesterday, ShortShorts shot the culprit. Cheer! Anyone know a good recipe? KIDDING. We’re off to the backwoods of northern Maine for outdoor adventures! Tropical Storm Danny, please…
