Currently: July

Current mood:  Tired. We had a long, busy weekend Currently thankful for:  Google Translate. We have had several guests from foreign countries who don’t speak good English. How do you say “tipi” in French?  Currently worried about:  Our future Currently excited about:  Our future and our new baby niece or nephew to be born any…


Scenes from our life

I’ve been taking lots and lots of pictures of our time here, but few are shared. Until now.  First, I thought I’d share the wild in our life: We have not seen an alive bear. But, a few weeks ago, a motorcyclist hit a bear 1/4 mile away from us. Fortunately, the motorcyclist walked away…


Currently: May … okay, June

Current mood: Slowly getting in a groove here Currently thankful for: J making it off Mount Hood safely, especially after the news that 6 climbers died on Rainier this week! Currently worried about: 1) Succeeding as a waitress this summer and 2) flooding our kitchen with our dishwasher (happened again Saturday night during dinner service, but…


Open for Business

  Well, RR opened for business this weekend! Let me tell you, we were putting finishing touches on everything up until the minute guests walked in on Friday at 3pm. The stress of last week was probably far worse for my health than a bloomin’ onion from Outback, but we had happy guests this weekend…


Meet Us in Spokane

We have a *few* friends/family willing to make the long haul out to visit us this summer. But we know we are a far way from anywhere. So, we are willing to take second best, which is meeting up in Spokane, a quick 3.5 hours from us.  Our kindred spirits from NH (Paul/Second Nature and…


Currently: April

Current mood: surprisingly content, with all that is going on Currently thankful for: Snail Mail Netflix DVD mail service, since we can no longer stream video! Currently worried about: Hmmm, where to start? My Nana is still not healed from a fall she took in December and even though she is back back home, we’ve…


Living on the Edge

J & I high-fived last Sunday as we entered Oregon, marking it as our 11th state we’ve lived in (collectively). Living in the Pacific Northwest as I always wanted, a big plus. Learning a new address and telephone number, a big minus.  So what is our role at RimRock (RR)? Well, it is both lodging…
