The 5th of May

Cinco de Mayo is supposed to be a celebration of Mexican pride and heritage to recognize their defeat over the French army in the 1860s. Instead, we Americans use it as an opportunity to dress silly and drink heavily. 2007 – Cinco de Mayo party at our house in Danville. This is J and his…


Because of swine, no wine

At Mass yesterday, the priest announced we would not exchange the sign of peace (which involves hand shaking, for the non-Catholics) and they would not offer the wine (blood). For the creature-of-habit church-goer, this was quite odd, but good I suppose. But see, I am one of wholesome faith who always believed that since the…


Restitution checks

Gather round kiddos, it’s story time. When we were in Danville this month, I had a strange piece of mail waiting in the mailbox. Mind you, we stopped our mail 18 months ago, but somehow, the post office delivered a check from the Superior Court of Arizona. From 2004-2007ish, I received checks for $10-20 from…


Buzz Buzz Buzz

So I told you we had another dance on Saturday night. The theme was something along the lines of got cabin fever, think spring. Our thoughts led us to the bee and beekeeper (whose company is called Bee Be Gone Inc.). Most other people were wearing bright colors and flowers. But they knew to expect…



I have a window in my office that faces our awesome backyard. Fairly often, our landlord’s cats (and other neighborhood cats) sit outside my window on our porch roof. Mind you, my office is on the third floor of the converted barn we live in, so it’s no small feat for the cats to get…


Earth Hour 2009

This is not a shameless plea or effort to persuade, because that’s just not me. Frankly, I’m more of a follower than a leader. But, I thought I’d tell you about Earth Hour. We did it last year. It’s when you turn off all your electricity for an hour to recognize global warming. So here’s…
