Made in the USA

The U.S. manufacturing sector may appear to be shrinking, but it’s making a comeback at the same time. American production remains as hip as recycling and microbrews, particularly in the outdoor industry. We are proud that a few of our preferred gear companies produce homegrown gear. We visited our first stateside factory in April 2013, when…



We completed the sale of our house in Virginia! Our friend Van was so nice and gave us a bottle of champagne to celebrate … doesn’t matter that he found the champagne at the dump (which is why we didn’t drink it and just sprayed it around). When we sat down with the city officials…


Currently: June

Currently spending time with/where: We are down to the wire with our time in Danville. We close on the house today in less than 3 hours!!! Current plan: Wouldn’t you like to know??? Better yet, wouldn’t we like to know? Current mood: Bittersweet about saying goodbye to our house and our friends in Danville one more time.…


Virginia Beach

Not many extended families can really say they all get along, but J’s family can. As such, they have maintained a great tradition of family reunions. A first family reunion took place in 2012 in Virginia Beach, where his grandmother and some other family live. With 6 grandkids, plus 6 significant others, and now 5…


Summer Suggestions

I am behind on blogging. I mean, I am blogging here for Big Agnes and Gregory, but I am neglecting my own blog. My excuse is just being consumed by a major case of purging, going through our house and possessions with a fine-toothed comb. Also, we are trying to figure out our next move…


New Jersey

We are back in Danville and I must say, we had a great time in Jersey. It was jam-packed, as usual, but we got to see a bunch of folks. I previously mentioned that our last visit to Jersey was March 2014, so this was a long time to stay away. All of my family…


Currently: May

Currently spending time with/where:  I added this “currently” label because we bounce around so much! This past week/weekend, I took a break from Danville and spent time in dirty Jersey visiting family and friends (won’t hit everyone this time around … next time!). I mostly have been having some summer fun with the niece &…


Scenes From Danville

I promised I’d balance out my Debbie Downer posts, so here are some happy scenes from Danville! As I said, we have some really awesome friends here and have been squeezing every droplet out of our free time for some fun, despite the surrounding drama. There’s been lots of outdoor recreation, weekly 1/2 priced Sushi…


Post-Trail Blues

So it’s pretty suffice to say that since we returned from New Zealand, we’ve had a black cloud following us around, or maybe it is just reality overcompensating for our 6-month escape.  Someone said this line to us the other day and it just about sums it up: “Wish in one hand, shit in the…


RIP Mr. McKinley

If this week were not emotional enough, we have other bad news. Mr. McKinley passed away Saturday night. McKinley, who would have been 11 this June. McKinley, who was part of our Danville story as we adopted him in December 2004, shortly after moving to town. McKinley, who was my best coworker and kept me…


Our Danville Story

We’ve been in Danville, VA, since May 6. Danville, for those who don’t know, is one of our many home bases. Danville is a small town of roughly 40,000 people on the border of North Carolina. Manufacturing, tobacco and textiles were its main industries for much of the 20th century, with a key business being…


Currently: April

Current mood:  missing New Zealand. Seriously, it is SO disappointing to be “back to life, back to reality.” It doesn’t help that everyday I do a little organizing/labeling/editing of our 1,000+ pictures and am instantly transported back to some point during our 5-month adventure. I find myself day dreaming and night dreaming of New Zealand. …
