Good news!

My dad came out of surgery and is a-okay! I didn’t get to talk to him yet and I only talked to my mom briefly, but all went well so thanks for any good thoughts you sent our way. To lighten the mood, here is a picture of a “sit off” between Mr. McKinley and…


I am for hire, call me

Unemployment is tough, but the jobs are coming in. That really is me. Unfortunately, I didn’t get paid for that gig. Once again, volunteer of the year for one of J’s programs. It rained all day, so we had to move the family entertainer and his cast of characters inside, but the kids still loved…


New England, Take 2

J and I spent Memorial Day Weekend 2010 apart. Purposely. We do that sometimes. Take separate vacations. This time, J headed to a weekend music festival in NY (The Mighty High Mountain Fest) with Uncle SlickG and a high school friend he recently reconnected with (and he didn’t even need Facebook for that!!). The big…


North to Alaska

I think everyone knows that J loves Alaska. It’s in his top 3 (Me, Music & Alaska-in no particular order of course!). Part of the reason he married me was because I had family that live in Alaska. Last weekend while we were in Jersey for the awesome Indian wedding, so was my family from…



I checked the Life Less Ordinary blog the other day to see if that chick updated it and what a slacker, she hasn’t! After getting a harsh reprimand about the issue from her husband last night, she decided it was time. So what’s been going on guys? Last weekend was busy with J’s work events…


CT High Point

On our way home Sunday, J & I hiked to the highest point in CT, which is on the way up Mt. Frissell (in Mass) at a whopping 2,380 feet.This was a nice, short hike (3ish miles), but it was hotter than hell. This was our 10th high point. Sometimes finding the trailhead to the…


Earth Day

As I sit here, on Earth Day, recycling my work papers, I am pondering an important question. First let me admit that I cannot kick the habit of printing out all the work-related journal articles and reports to read and underline. I am just not an online reader. I never want an iPad or Kindle…
