Visit #4

For the third summer in a row, QuickQuestion, Yankee, Bones and Curly Locks made a vacation out of visiting us in New Hampshire. And we all survived for the third year in a row. Adults, kids and cat included. We jam-packed the weekend with fun and new things around the state! And because I know…


Merrimack Part II

We didn’t stay inside on Sunday either, despite the continued heatwave. We returned to the Merrimack River, even though we read a recent article that said it is considered polluted, but still better than it was 30 years ago. We see people swimming in the river all the time, so we figured if they could…


Trail Magic

When J & I finally thru-hike the Appalachian Trail (the AT), you all will get an education. There’s all sort of acronyms and jargon that goes with the AT. And you want to keep up with the blog, you’re just going to have to become familiar with it all (that’s an order!). One of the…


We are landlords

So hell kinda froze over guys and gals. Remember that house in Danville we own? The one we’ve been paying a mortgage, homeowners insurance and utilities on for the past 3 years? It’s official. We have a renter in it. He’s been living there for almost a month and so far so good.I didn’t want…


Happy Independence Day!

Last year for J’s big 4th of July event, it rained. This year, it was 90 hundred thousand degrees. No happy medium Mother Nature? But still, we survived. And it was a big success! We had a root beer chugging contest:And a pie-eating contest:And a kiddie parade (which is my responsibility in the morning as…


Visitors #495 and 496

This past weekend, Charlotte & PA Dutch visited! They vacationed in Maine the week before, and detoured to our house before heading back home to Philly. Since Vermont would be the only state they wouldn’t hit while road tripping in the New England area, we made it a point to venture that direction on Saturday.…



So it has been a week since my return form Colorado and it has been a busy one. My wife, “the blogger” has been bugging me to write a post so you all can understand the “Festival”! It was my sister’s (SILAdventure) 30th bday June 19th and I told her I would party with her…


My name in print

Whenever I tell people I’m a writer, the first question is usually, “where can I read something you wrote?” Well, besides this awesome, awesome blog, there weren’t many places you could. Unless you are a doctor or pharmaceutical sales rep and subscribed to my former company’s publications, my regular writing wasn’t necessarily available to the…


Good news!

My dad came out of surgery and is a-okay! I didn’t get to talk to him yet and I only talked to my mom briefly, but all went well so thanks for any good thoughts you sent our way. To lighten the mood, here is a picture of a “sit off” between Mr. McKinley and…
